
Wednesday 12 October 2016

Paralysis rog na prakar, laxan, karan tatha teno sanpurn kudarati ane ayurvedic upachar.

Introduction: - cerebral artery in a blockage due to her that part of the blood not finds brain that part of passive is that the brain that part of the body the organs your order not send finds they part  Hildul can't and brain (mind) of the left of the body of the right organs and brain right part of the body of the left organs of control keeps. It muscular disease and its relationship spinal too. Paralysis disease the following types of-the lower limb of paralysis  - this type of paralysis disease in the body of the bottom part of that waist down part of the work closes. This disease due to the patient's legs and feet phalanges  your stop working service. Upper limb of paralysis - this type of paralysis disease in the body of half working closes ie the body of the right or left part stop working away. Ekanga of paralysis - this type of paralysis disease in the human body only one hands or feet your work closes. Integer of paralysis - this paralysis disease due to the patient both hands or both feet working turn off. Merumzza-Pradahazny paralysis- this paralysis disease of the body of Merumzza part stop working away. It's disease more sex action by cum to destroy caused. Faces of paralysis- this disease due to the patient's mouth a portion of the serpentine is causing the mouth of the club down looking to find and one side of the cheek lax gets. This disease patient's mouth own spit falls lives. Tongue paralysis- this disease patient tongue in paralyzed and is the patient's mouth of the words pronounce the right way not out. Patient tongue strut is and patient person to speak in trouble when you look and patient speak time Lisp think. Laryngeal of paralysis- this disease due to the patient's throat in tone equipment in paralyzed is causing the patient person to speak of power destroying is. Lead accompanying paralysis- this disease patient's gums on the edge of a Blue streak may days. Patient right hand or both hands down the hanging are the patient's wrist muscles weak are and wrist skewed are and in turned are. Patient arm and back muscles also diseased are. Paralysis disease Symptoms- paralysis disease patient's body of one or several part of your work to turn off. This disease effect of a sudden appears but paralysis disease in the body of the beginning of the already days. Paralysis disease patient left part if paralyzed was it a lot more dangerous is because the patient's heart speed off may and her death may be. Patient the organ paralysis of the effect that limb in Cunti cutting him feel so his disease minor of treatment can recover. Paralysis disease be even some signs of this type of-the paralysis disease patient hunger low look, can't sleep and patient physical strength decreases. This disease suffer from patient in the minds of anyone working to copy enthusiasm not lives. Patient body the organs in paralysis of the effect is that limb muscle your work to turn off and that limb in vacuum coming days. Paralysis disease be due to the body of any part Jnjnane think and it itchy to look. Body of the part of paralysis of the effects of the side of the nose part of itching is. Practicable paralysis disease be symptomps- this disease due to the patient digestibility weak is patient and the food intake does it correctly not digested. This disease patient and many other diseases are. This disease of the body of multiple organ gaunt-thin become. Incurable paralysis disease of the symptoms - incurable paralysis disease pregnant women, children and old person of the disease due to the patient's power significantly decreases. This type of paralysis of the body of the many parts of color change and that limb weak become. Incurable paralysis disease affected by the organs needleInserting  or pluck on patient person to feel anything is not. This disease patient's Gyanashakthi and to work action power decreases. Incurable paralysis disease due to the patient's mouth, nose and eye water out lives. Incurable paralysis disease due to the patient to see, hear and something to touch the power to destroy becomes .Irretrievable paralysis disease patient and many other diseases are. Paralysis disease due - much more mental work due to paralysis disease may . suddenly any kind of shock go look, causing the patient person is too much trouble is, and paralysis disease gets . wrong how food intake due to paralysis disease is no inappropriate Sachs Relative by doing cum over to delete reason paralysis disease gets . Brain and spinal very fast hurt to the paralysis disease may . Head any disease the sharp pain of paralysis disease may . Brain related to many diseases of go also paralysis disease may . Highly drug medicines intake due to paralysis disease becomes more wine and non-due to also paralysis disease is more read-write to work and mental stress more due to paralysis disease gets . Paralysis disease natural medicine - paralysis disease patient to treat the first to this disease of the reasons should remove. The patient treatment of natural medicine made needed . Paralysis disease patient day lemonade of By Anima your stomach clean should be patient and the person that treatment should so that her body of more than sweat Out . Paralysis disease patient day steam bath should and then hot wet sheet of your body of diseased part slipcover should again sometime after Sun your body Sikai  to needed . Paralysis disease patient if much more vulnerable if the patient is heating things more abuse do not needed . Patient of person blood pressure more increased be even if the patient is heating things to consumption do not needed . Paralysis disease patient of the spine hot or cold Sikai should and clothes in the water soaking stomach and spinal keep needed . Paralysis disease patient to treat her stomach wet ceramic coating should and then the patient Hip bath should. Thus day treatment to a few days paralysis disease cured . Paralysis disease patient to Surytpt yellow bottle of water cooling day at least half Cup 4-5 times should drink and paralysis affected by the part on for a while Red light pour should and hot or cold sinkai should. Thus day treatment of the patient paralysis disease a few days cured . Paralysis disease patient to about 10 days fruit juice lemon juice, coconut water, vegetable juice or Amla juice honey mixed drink needed . Paralysis disease patient treatment to grapes, pear and Apple juice equal volume mixed drink the patient to much more benefits . Paralysis disease patient a few weeks without cooked food to needed . Paralysis disease patient's disease fine until not be until it more than water should drink and cold water bath should. Patient cool place to stay needed. Paralysis disease patient to your body on drought friction should bath after the patient to your body on dry massage should. Massage slowly should resulting in this disease a few days cured . Paralysis disease patient to your treatment offer time your mental stress should and physically should rest and patient person yognidra using needed. Paralysis disease patient to fully should exercise resulting in a few times muffled vein and pulses exercise to paint and they are part of the paralysis of affected they fix become.

Paralysis rog na prakar, laxan, karan tatha teno sanpurn kudarati ane ayurvedic upachar. Je khub asarkarak ane saral se.
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