
Saturday, 15 October 2016

Asthma rog na laxano, Karano, ane Ayurvedic tatha Acupressure dvaraa Upachar

Asthma is a lung disease that causes breathing difficulties. Interrupt the flow of air into the lungs of asthma attack occurs.
Because of asthma -
    -air pollution
    -dhumrpan And tobacco
    -respiratory infection
    -jenetiks (Genetic)
    Due -musm
Asthma (asthma) symptoms -
    Short of taking -sas
    -sine Tightness or pain
    -Persistent Cold and cough
    Discomfort in -nind
Asthma Home Remedies -
1. ginger juice, pomegranate juice and mix with equal quantity of honey. A teaspoon of this mixture twice or thrice a day, drink.
2. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is helpful in the treatment of asthma. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water and drink it according to your taste sugar.
3. Amla is a good solution for the treatment of asthma. Mix a little honey in it and drink the crushed amla.
4. Three dried figs Wash and soak overnight in a cup of water. In the morning on an empty stomach to eat figs and fig drink.
5. Mix one teaspoon honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, taken at night before bed. It helps to remove phlegm from the throat and good sleep.
6. anti-inflammatory properties in onion helps in the treatment of asthma. Onions in salads or cooked vegetables can eat.
7. A glass of warm milk, olive oil and mix with equal quantity of honey. Put some garlic before breakfast drink.
8. oranges, papaya, blueberries and strawberries also help in reducing the symptoms of asthma.
9. Boil in water a teaspoon celery and let it steam. Also, if you can drink it.
10. mustard oil and camphor as needed and thoroughly heat. Put it in a bowl. Then the mixture is cooled slightly and rub the chest and back. Many times a day to massage the oil on some relief from asthma symptoms.
 11. garlic helps in reducing the lung's Kanjesshn. Ten-fifteen slice of garlic, add milk and boil for some time. Then pour into a glass of hot drink, try humming. The milk should be consumed once a day.
 12. In a bowl, a teaspoon of ginger juice, pomegranate juice and honey and mix well. Take a tablespoon of this mixture after four to five times a day relieves the symptoms of asthma

Asthma rog na laxano, Karano, ane Ayurvedic tatha Acupressure dvaraa Upachar.
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