
Saturday 22 October 2016


Cow is a mobile dispensary. It is the treasure of medicines. The cow urine therapy is capable of curing several curable and incurable diseases. The holy texts, like atharva veda, charak samhita, rajni ghuntu, vridhabhagabhatt, amritasagar, bhavprakash, sushrut samhita contain beautiful description about these things. Cow urine treatment and research center, indore has conducted a lot of research in the past few years and reached at the conclusion that it is capable of curing diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, aids, piles, prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcer, acidity, constipation, gynecological problems, ear and nose problems, abortion and several other diseases.
The analysis of cow urine has shown that it contains nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, melci, citric, titric, succenic, calcium salts, vitamin a, b, c, d, e, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones and gold acids. A person falls ill when there is deficiency or excess of the substances inside the body. The cow urine contains those substances, which are present in the human body. Therefore consumption of cow urine maintains the balance of these substances and cures incurable diseases.
The indian culture gives special place to cow. All the 33 gods have cow as their prime temple. Deva means to give, the strength to give, the ability to give more and take the minimum. This is known as devata. The cow takes very less from us and gives us more. Therefore indian people have proved this with the help of strict devotion and dedication that cow has a prominent place in the indian life and economy. Wealth, religion, sex and salvation are accomplished with the service of the cow. Indian farmer used to known as king or the giver of grains due to the developed tradition of india thousands of years back. When we were popular as golden bird and world guru then this was the basic mantra. Our entire life is dependent on cow.
The whole world calls cow as mother. The reason is that the birth-giving mother gives milk to its child only for one or two years, but the mother cow gives milk throughout its life, which is like nectar. A black cow is tied in the shiva temple, when we see the shiva along with the black cow then we are able to overcome the malefic effects of planets in our natal horoscope. When we see the ankles of the cow we protect ourselves from sudden deaths. Taking rounds of the cow ie. Parikrama, is equivalent to visiting all the holy places. As the paipal tree and holy basil plant give oxygen similarly cow is the only animal, which emits major amount of oxygen. If one spoon of pure ghee is poured on the burning cow cakes dung (fuel) then they can produce one-ton oxygen, therefore ghee made with cow milk is used in sacrificial fires and havans. There is no other better method to remove pollution.
The cow milk, butter, ghee and buttermilk are like nectar. The cow dung is not faeces but purifier of faeces. It produces best quality of grains, fruits, and vegetables by becoming the best type of manure. Cow urine is a divine medicines and is a pesticide for the crops. Pure ghee made with cow milk on the cow cakes, the smoke emitted thereby subsides the effect of poisonous gas. Cow urine contains copper which helps to remove toxins inside the body. Drinking cow milk gives strength and increases the pure qualities in the human mind.
The horns and hunch of cow are like two powerful pyramids. We receive the strengths of stars and sun through the medium of cow dung, milk, curd, ghee etc. The place where the cow is tied does not produce any vastu related ill effects. If there is any malefic effect of any planet, serving the cow with chapatti, jaggery calms down the malefic effect.

Cow urine therapy is helpful in     Cancer, diabetes patient, aids, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, blood pressure, heart disease, prostrate, piles, asthma, isnophilia, cough,  phlegm, varicose veins, dismonerrhoea, cholesterol, chest pain,aids, migraine,headache, tension, constipation,
thyroid, eczema, ringworm, itching and other skin problems,psoriaisis,liver disorder,kidney problem,gynae and many such disease.
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