The menstruation cycle consists of a series of physiological change in the uterus, ovaries and endocrine system that take place from the beginning of one menstrual flow, to the start of the next.
Some of us experience pain, bloating, acne, headaches, cravings, weight gain, water retention, anxiety, irregular periods, heaviness and mood swings during this cyclical hormonal change. This can easily cause stress and create havoc during the time of menstruation. Debilitating menstruation pain sometimes may require that we rearrange our work schedule or call in sick to stay home during the first 1 or 2 days of the cycle. Some of us get painful acne on the face and back. Splitting headaches and exhaustion also can take over our lives! We all know how menstrual irregularities, PMS symptoms, and cramps can impair our daily activities during the cycle. They also pose health risks such as anemia (in case of heavy bleeding).
Modern medications rarely correct the underlying cause of this discomfort. If you chose medications such as NSAIDS, antidepressants, and hormonal contraceptives it can reduce the PMS symptoms but does not really take care of the root of cause of the pain or symptoms and may also have adverse side effects. However implementing holistic strategies to support the body’s natural healing can lead to long term positive effect on your health and you may rarely experience the painful PMS symptoms.
One thing I have learned from my journey towards health and healing is that pain and discomfort are not normal for your body. It is always an indication that something deep inside is not right. Your body is sending you messages through pain to get your attention. Therefore, when correct foods are given and when you build a strong mind-body connection your hormones will fall into equilibrium and cramps will be absent for good.
The do’s: 12 natural ways to reduce menstrual cramps or period pain
- Drink lemon water every morning after you wake up. This will have an alkalizing effect on the body and keep the body hydrated and mineralized. Stay hydrated throughout the day,
- Must include vitamin D3 in your diet. Especially if you live is a colder climate where sunlight is reduced during the winter season.
- Increase consumption of leafy greens to ensure enough B vitamins, fiber and mineral supply in the body. You will get a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins and other minerals through leafy greens. Swiss chard, collard greens, yogurt, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, spinach contains these minerals.
- Eat fatty fish, fish or flax oil every day to get relief from hormonal imbalances.
- My most favourite remedy to get relief from cramps is an Ayurvedic home remedy using cinnamon and ginger to make a tea. Just use ¼ tsp. of ground cinnamon and a pinch of ground ginger or couple of thin slices of half an inch of fresh ginger to a cup of hot water. Wait and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the tea. I will also write a recipe for pain free period tea concoction.
- Vitex or chaste berry is a herb that eases menstrual cramps,
- Evening primrose oil or borage oil are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids and are known to reduce breast pain and tenderness as well as PMS symptoms.
- Dietary intake of calcium and magnesium is crucial for balancing the hormones.
- Using heating pads or hot water bags around the area relaxes the stiff muscles and reduces pain by bringing oxygen in the area.
- One of the most important things to address is relaxation through 7-8 hours of sound sleep and stress reduction. Meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama) also assists in reducing stress.
- If you eat a lot of nuts, seeds and grains then increase aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises releases endorphin hormones or “feel good” hormones in the body. The presence of this hormone works like a natural pain killer.
- Apply natural progesterone cream or wild yam cream. Apply this cream on stomach, lower abdominal area, buttocks, things, breasts and upper arm area. Best time to apply this cream is a week before the start of your period.
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