Premature ejaculation, often termed as early ejaculation is a problem that many men face in their sexual life. This happens to men who are under 40 years of age and it can lead to a disturbed relationship and marriage. The person who is actually going through the problem becomes frustrated and there have been many cases where that person has committed suicide or taken some drastic steps. But, this is not the end all of the entire situation. You need to understand that the problem is quite common and you are not the only person facing it. Rather than taking a drastic step it would be manlier to combat the situation and stop it once and for all. There are numerous techniques in which one can stop premature ejaculation. However, it will be a gradual process and you should not expect immediate results. Initially, you may not feel or notice anything, but as time progresses you will observe that the premature ejaculation is slowing down and after few weeks or months it will stop entirely. One thing that is equally important is your partner’s participation in this process of stopping early ejaculation. In fact, she should be proactive enough to make you realize about the issue, otherwise your entire sex life can go for a toss.
Men may face a lot of problem relating to their sexual function and premature ejaculation one of the common problems that can disturb a man. All men would want their loved one’s satisfaction and they want their spouse also to attain great pleasure. But there are men who ejaculate before their partners reach the climax. You should never by shy of telling your problem to your spouse or to a doctor regarding any sexual issues. Premature ejaculation is mainly caused to older men, but in this new generation there are many young men too who suffer from this issue. But do not worry: there are a few remedies that you can try at your home by yourself to avoid premature ejaculation.
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Men may face a lot of problem relating to their sexual function and premature ejaculation one of the common problems that can disturb a man. All men would want their loved one’s satisfaction and they want their spouse also to attain great pleasure. But there are men who ejaculate before their partners reach the climax. You should never by shy of telling your problem to your spouse or to a doctor regarding any sexual issues. Premature ejaculation is mainly caused to older men, but in this new generation there are many young men too who suffer from this issue. But do not worry: there are a few remedies that you can try at your home by yourself to avoid premature ejaculation.
Home remedies for premature ejaculation
1) Seeds of green onions are perfect to decrease premature ejaculation for all men. The aphrodisiac qualities present in the seeds of green onion can help you avoid this sexual problem. You simply have to crush the seeds and mix it well in water. Take this medicinal water three times a day before your meal. You can also consider using white onions and consuming onions can enhance your sexual stamina and control.
2) Aswagandha – the effective medicinal Indian herb is one of the most natural medicines perfect for treating the sexual problems in men. You can consult an ayurvedic doctor and have this herbal medicine as directed by the physician. This herb can increase the strength of the organs and increases the stamina and control in men. This can reduce the problem of premature ejaculation.
3) Ginger and Honey is another best remedy to avoid premature ejaculation in men. Ginger can help in increasing the blood flow to the penile area that helps in giving a great control to ejaculate. Honey is an aphrodisiac of strength and this can enhance the potency of ginger. So the best way to consume this is taking half a teaspoon of ginger and honey before bedtime. You won’t be able to feel the results immediately, but yes, in sometime you will notice the difference.
4) Another natural medicine is to consume garlic. Garlic can help in increasing the blood flow to the penis and it can also help in heating up your body. You can sort the garlic in low flame using cow’s ghee till it turns a golden brown color. Take this every day or you simply chew 3- 4 cloves of garlic to decrease premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
5) Take a half-boiled egg and mix it with grated carrots. Take 3 teaspoons of honey and mix it will with this mixture. You can consume this mixture daily for about three months to get a great result. Once you feel that your problem has decreased, you can slowly stop consuming egg.
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