
Friday 21 October 2016


Diabetes, also called diabetes mellitus, has become a very common heath problem. There are two main types of diabetes- type 1 diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin and type 2 diabetes in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is produced does not work properly.
       Some of the common symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, weight loss (even though you are eating more), excessive thirst, increased urination, cut and bruises that are slow to heal and blurred vision.

While there is no cure for diabetes, with your blood sugar level under control you can live a totally normal life. There are various natural remedies for diabetes that will help you control your blood sugar level.
Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla, is rich in vitamin C and Indian gooseberry juice promotes proper functioning of your pancreas.
      Take two to three Indian gooseberries, remove the seeds and grind it into a fine paste. Put the paste in a cloth and squeeze out the juice. Mix two tablespoon of the juice in one cup of water and drink it daily on an empty stomach.
  Alternatively, mix one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice in a cup of bitter gourd juice and drink it daily for a few months.

Black Plum or Indian Black Berry (Jambul)

Black plum or jambul, also known as jamun can help a lot in controlling blood sugar level because it contains anthocyanins, ellagic acid, hydrolysable tannins etc.
Each part of the Jambul plant such as the leaves, berry and seeds can be used by those suffering from diabetes. In fact, research has shown that the fruits and seeds of this plant have hypoglycemic effects as they help reduce blood and urine sugar levels rapidly.
The seeds, in particular, contain glycoside jamboline and alkaloid jambosine that regulate control blood sugar levels.
Whenever this seasonal fruit is available in the market, try to include it in your diet as it can be very effective for the pancreas. Else you can make a powder of dried seeds of Jambul fruit and eat this powder with water twice a day. This fruit is native to India and its neighboring countries but you can find it at Asian markets and herbal shops.

Aloe Vera

     Aloe vera gel helps lower fasting blood glucose levels. It contains phytosterols that have possible anti-hyperglycemic effects for type 2 diabetes.
The combination of aloe vera gel, bay leaves and turmeric is helpful for controlling blood sugar. To make this herbal medicine.
Mix together one-half teaspoon each of ground bay leaves and turmeric and one tablespoon of aloe vera gel.
Consume it twice daily, before lunch and dinner.
    Due to its vitamin C and high fiber content, eating guava can be really helpful in maintaining the blood sugar level. It is best for diabetics not to eat the skin of the fruit so peel it first. However, too much consumption of guava in a day is not recommended.
Okra, also called ladies’ finger, has constituents such as polyphenolic molecules that can help reduce blood glucose levels and control diabetes.
   A 2011 study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences found okra seed and peel powder to have antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic potential.
     Cut off the ends of a few okras and prick them in several places using a fork. Soak the okras in a glass of water overnight. In the morning, discard the okras and drink the water on an empty stomach. Do this daily for several weeks. Check more about it here.
     Also, include okra in your diet.
Additional Tips

  1. Keep monitoring your blood sugar levels.
  2. Follow a healthy eating planand exercise regularly.
  3. Get plenty of fiber in your diet.
  4. A few minutes of daily exposure to sunlight can also help control diabetes because it helps produce vitamin D, which is essential for insulin production.
  5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. In fact, replace your regular sodas and sugary juices with water. In addition to providing hydration, water helps break down sugars.
  6. Try deep breathing, meditation, listening to your favorite music, or working on your hobby to relieve stress as it may raise your blood sugar.
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